Monday, September 12, 2011

Let's Prepare! 1578

We must prepare! We have to prepare! Let's prepare, for the journey of a life time!

I am preparing to go with my half brother, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, on a "Voyage of Discovery." As you already know, I was in the army at age seventeen. Then, I decided to quit my volunteering and join Gilbert on his exploration. I shall be a privateer, which is also known as a pirate, against the Spanish.

Our ship, The Falcon, is only approximately seventy-five feet long and we were going to sail with it. I admit, I am very anxious, for I am going to go to America! Soon enough, Humphrey and I remembered that we must prepare. Our first few days on our exploration are going to be long, tiring, and hard. That is why we asked others to come along. If there are more people, then we have a better fight against the Spanish, and we can all take shifts.  And so the journey begins!

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